"You are right to put your trust in My merciful goodness, for I am faithful to My friends and ll that I promise them I can give them. I ask only that you not tire of waiting upon Me"
Not even the best psychotherapists can liberate our conscious and subconscious psychic life as surely as does a new heart-to-heart relationship with Jesus"
By zeroing in on the Lord's words in scripture and the promises He has given us to be always with us, we can take solace in the fact that everything will turn out OK. Now that doesn't mean that I won't have to struggle and that it won't be painful. But it does mean that leaning on the Lord and trusting in His Help, I will be given the strength, faith, and courage I need to get through it all"
"Against the backdrop of never-ending troubles, the little joys are all the more delightful; a simple meal with family and friend, unexpected help from a neighbot, an encouraging word.."
"My peace is eternal, does not pass, and cannot be destroyed my man...When you make your hearts similar to mine, then you will also receive the peace of My Heart and you will be healed from your fear"
Our Sisters draw from the wisdom of Venerable Fulton Sheen as he teaches. " The Holy Hour became like an oxygen talk to revive the breath of the HolY Spirit in the midst of the foul and fetid atmosphere of the world"
Learn to trust in the Heart of Jesus through the wisdom of 'The Good Mother' (Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis) as she calls us to unite our whole selves tot he Lord and to cut short those negative thoughts
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the greatest manifestation of God's Love for us. Soon we will enter into the Holy Season of Lent. Attending the Sacred Heart Talks this Sunday, March 3rd, at 4 P.M. will provide you with a deeper look into that Love that Jesus suffered and died to show us. If you cannot attend these particular talks be sure to read them here when they are posted. So many of the talks are available for your prayerful reflection. May Jesus continue to bless you and your loved ones as you enter into the Holy Season of Lent. May Jesus open your heart to come to a deeper understanding of His love for each of us and draw you closer to His Sacred Heart. Have a truly Blessed Lent.
...It was those who looked to the person of Christ who were given the fortitude to withstand the physical and psychological pressures that were mercilessly meted out to them. And this is the great gift of the wounded heart of Christ to his friends, that they should be faithful through the storms of destruction that rage around them, that they should remain steadfast even though the tempests come and the blackest of black encompass them. ...
...."This is pretty radical trust. It means we agree to let God be God and not try to play God ourselves. This thought is crucial because basically there are two root sins we humans tend to commit. One is to make God out to be like us and two, to make ourselves out to be like God. As one biblical scholar put it, 'The core of sin is not our failure to adequately value ourselves but our refusals to adequately value God.'"...
Jesus, You take care of this...being weak humans who have an innate propensity to do our own thing, it is often hard to let go—even of our problems—to the Lord. But Jesus responds, "I wait for you. I want to listen to the cares and preoccupations that you carry like a heavy burden. Give them all to Me. Trust in Me and I will act. I have told you this before: for me nothing is insignificant."
Facing our Fears....We just can't do it alone! Yes, it is only through the trusting embrace of the cross of Christ that we come to understand what true peace is and this doesn’t guarantee the elimination of all fear, but it does give us a supernatural entry into God’s heart.
This talk, given on October 1st, helps to explain the importance of Consecration to the Sacred Heart and what this Consecration can do for your soul and the world
Take some time today to rejoice in the beauty of God as reflected in His creation. This August Sacred Heart talk speaks of the connection between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the joys of the outdoors.