On November 21 (the Memorial of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple), the Church will celebrate Pro Orantibus Day (“For Those Who Pray”), an ecclesial event for all Catholics worldwide to commemorate the hidden lives of consecrated religious in cloisters and monasteries. We celebrate this day because the contemplative life is a gift from God to us all, because the entire world spiritually benefits from the prayers and sacrifices of these dedicated religious, even when we do not know it. On this day, the faithful are encouraged to reach out to the cloistered and contemplative communities in their diocese, through prayer, encouragement, and material support.
Some concrete ways to do this are: participating in a novena and offering up Masses, writing notes of appreciation to contemplative communities, visiting them, and making a special point to teach families, religious education classes, youth groups, etc., about the tremendous value of the contemplative life. Last year Pope Francis said, “It is a good opportunity to thank the Lord for the gift of so many people who, in monasteries and hermitages, dedicate themselves to God in prayer and silent work.”