We thought it would be a good addition to our website to introduce you to Fr. Mike Schmitz. Father is an enthusiastic speaker who is interested in making our Catholic Faith alive for each of us in our daily lives. Sometimes we might think that holiness is just for the nuns... Well listen to Father Mike and see what you think.
St. Francis de Sales always told us, his daughters and sons, that we are all called to holiness. Praying is a very important and special part of becoming holy. Why? Because pray places us in the awarenss of the Presence of God Who is the Source of all holiness.
We need all the strength we can muster these days to be faithful to the Lord. To know what is good and to hold fast to our Faith. We hope that you will learn practical ways of praying with your focus on the Lord. May He give you all the fulness of His Holy Spirit. It will change your lives!