August 10, 2019
August Sacred Heart Talk by our sisters which speaks of the power of prayer in times of desolation and seeming despair.
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June 22, 2019
June 26, 27, 28 at 7pm- Join the Sisters for a special Triduum of Masses in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
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June 20, 2019
The Marians of the Immaculate Conception, our dear chaplains, have graciously printed the Stations of the Sacred Heart which are now available on their website. We encourage you to go deeper into the mystery of His Love through this unique devotion.
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June 19, 2019
Join us in prayer as we prepare for the Solemn Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 28th.
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March 1, 2019
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the greatest manifestation of God's Love for us. Soon we will enter into the Holy Season of Lent. Attending the Sacred Heart Talks this Sunday, March 3rd, at 4 P.M. will provide you with a deeper look into that Love that Jesus suffered and died to show us. If you cannot attend these particular talks be sure to read them here when they are posted. So many of the talks are available for your prayerful reflection. May Jesus continue to bless you and your loved ones as you enter into the Holy Season of Lent. May Jesus open your heart to come to a deeper understanding of His love for each of us and draw you closer to His Sacred Heart. Have a truly Blessed Lent.
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March 1, 2019
Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, offers a prayer written for the season of Advent, but which is still appropriate for Lent. Lent is a time during which we renew our HOPE in the Lord. For "God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son" for us. Lent has often been referred to as the "Springtime" in the Church's year. Let us listen to what Pope Benedict XVI has to say as we direct our thoughts to Lent 2019.
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January 24, 2019
January 24th marks the feast day of St. Francis de Sales. He, together with St. Jane de Chantal, founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. We share the joy of his patronage within our Salesian Family. Please meet Fr. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS, as he shares his thoughts about St. Francis de Sales, "A Man for Others" and be assured of our prayers on this special feast day.
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January 13, 2019
by Deacon Greg Kandra
Read what Deacon Greg Kandra offers us for the feast as we reflect on what Jesus has done for us. Also, listen to the video of Bishop Robert Barron as he speaks in the Cathedral of LA. Let us all celebrate our own baptism and thank the Lord for the Gift of Faith.
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December 21, 2018
Welcome dear Friends, and accept our greetings for a truly Blessed and Merry Christmas! Please know that we would love to have you join with us at the Liturgical Celebrations of Christ birth. On Monday at 11 PM we invite you to join with the Sisters as we chant the Office of Readings and Proclaim the Birth of Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew. Midnight Mass follows as the clock strikes 12 Midnight. Fr. Gary Dailey will join us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist! God bless each and all.
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November 21, 2018
by Sisters
Dear Friends, we Sisters of the Visitation wish you and your loved ones a very blessed Thanksgiving. May Joy fill your hearts and may the Lord keep you safe in His loving care! God bless you and thank you for your faithful friendship with us. Know that our prayers are with you in all your intentions and needs.
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September 5, 2018
Celebrating 25 Years in the Berkshires! The month of August was filled with memories of 25 years ago when the sisters first came to the Berkshires, residing in and old convent in Pittsfield while this monastery was being built. To celebrate our move, join us on September 15th at 11am for Holy Mass and a small luncheon to follow. If you plan to attend, please call the monastery to let us know! God bless you!
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August 26, 2018
It is with great joy that we share the approval of a new set of prayers to the Sacred Heart! These 14 Stations focus on the Heart of Christ in the Gospels and are accompanied by meditations to help you dive deeper into that Divine Love beating in His Human Heart. We will be posting one each week on our blog. We beg your prayers for the spread of devotion to His Heart, and if it be His Will, the printing of these new prayers for use by the public. God bless you!
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June 6, 2018
Join us for Adoration and Holy Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:45am Mass followed by Adoration until 5pm 7:00- Special Evening Mass with Msgr Albin Grous in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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April 8, 2018
...It was those who looked to the person of Christ who were given the fortitude to withstand the physical and psychological pressures that were mercilessly meted out to them. And this is the great gift of the wounded heart of Christ to his friends, that they should be faithful through the storms of destruction that rage around them, that they should remain steadfast even though the tempests come and the blackest of black encompass them. ...
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April 8, 2018
...."This is pretty radical trust. It means we agree to let God be God and not try to play God ourselves. This thought is crucial because basically there are two root sins we humans tend to commit. One is to make God out to be like us and two, to make ourselves out to be like God. As one biblical scholar put it, 'The core of sin is not our failure to adequately value ourselves but our refusals to adequately value God.'"...
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March 29, 2018
by A Sister of the Visitation
Each year Holy Mother Church invites us to recall and respond to the wonderful Love of God in giving us His Son, Jesus! Let us spend time especially during these Sacred Days to Adore, Console and Thank Jesus for His manifestation of Love for us and Obedience to the Father in dying for us. "No greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend" we read in the Gospel, let us not take this for granted, let us kneel in humble adoration, love, and reparation to His Most Sacred Heart.
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March 18, 2018
All work and no play makes sister a dull nun. In the midst of lenten sacrifices, we wanted to honor our Sr. Gemma Maria as well as show our gratitude for the gift of snow. Click to see the winners!
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March 4, 2018
...“Tell sinners that no one shall escape My hand; if they run away from My Merciful Heart, they will fall into My just hands. Tell sinners that I am always waiting for them, that I listen intently to their beating of their heart… When will it beat for Me?...
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March 4, 2018
...When we remember that it was not really necessary that the heart of Christ be pierced (for He was already dead), we see again that final reminder from heaven that God’s ways are not our ways and that all of our human attempts to put ourselves in control must ultimately bow before God’s higher wisdom. Still, there will continue a fight to the finish to see who wins the human heart: God or man....
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February 21, 2018
In sister's February Sacred Heart talk, she focuses on the life of Emperor Karl and his wife Zita who are now considered Venerable by the Holy Catholic Church. See how the difficult stresses of their role and eventual exile were helped by their devotion to the Sacred Heart
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